High School

In high school my grades were still somewhat below average and finally my senior year in high school was retested by a psychiatrist. She also concluded that I had Attention Deficit Disorder. I started to take Ritalin and it helped a lot in my school work not long after that I was given the student of the month award for my high school. I got into a college and was off and things were going well. I stopped taking the medication and my grades were average from then on. ADD is not something you can put on a shelf and not think about. It is something that has to be managed with planning medicine and usually some kind of support group or psychological counseling.

ADD: What is It?
Attention Deficit Disorder is a neurological disorder that affects the concentration of the patient. This shows up in a MRI, ADDers have less blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain. This part of the brain effects impulse control and concentration. ADD is sometimes called ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This calls attention to the fact that many people with this disorder have a lot of extra energy and have trouble keeping in control. The residual type is ADHD without all the energy. In fact people with this can be quite lethargic.
Residual types still have trouble with concentrating or finishing tasks. Residual types can be underdiagnosed because unlike regular ADHD which is fairly obvious, they seem fairly normal and are generally very intelligent. Early in the diagnosis of ADD doctors felt that children would grow out of ADD as they entered adulthood. This in the last couple of years has been shown not to be true. Even though an adult with ADD has learned lots of ways to cope with the disorder it still is there. The amount of people who are afflicted with this disorder from rough estimates tends to be from 5% to 20% range.